Call for Papers
The 27rd Annual Conference, the Japan NPO Research Association (JANPORA) on Saturday, 14 June to Sunday, 15 June 2025
To be held at Kwansei Gakuin University, Hyogo, Japan
(The conference will be held in a face-to-face format.)
The 27rd Annual Conference, the Japan NPO Research Association (JANPORA) on Saturday, 14 June to Sunday, 15 June 2025
To be held at Kwansei Gakuin University, Hyogo, Japan
(The conference will be held in a face-to-face format.)
Call for Papers - English Session
Abstract Submission Deadline: 20 January 2025, 23:59.
Category F English Session
- ♦Abstract Template (Category F English Session)
- ♦Abstract Sample (Category F English Session)
- • The abstract should clearly state the research problem being addressed, the methodology used, and the main conclusions (e.g. new findings).
- • Abstracts should be one A4 page, double columned.
- • Each presentation has a presentation time of 15 minutes. Theoretical and empirical studies, case studies, etc., are all welcome as long as they are original.
- • The conference will be held in a face-to-face format.
- • Previously published content cannot be submitted.
- • Non-member requires membership application.
Application Procedure
- Applications for “Category F English Session” will be accepted via the “Abstract Submission Form” on this conference website. Please refer to the sample and fill in the appropriate “Abstract Template” File and attach it to the application form.
- • Please do not change the file name.
- • The deadline for abstract submissions is Monday, 20 January 2025, 23:59.
- • Applications will not be accepted if the format of the manuscript differs from that specified, or if the Executive Committee considers that the manuscript is clearly inappropriate for presentation in terms of research ethics. Selected representatives will be notified of the results of the review.
- • In the case of a presentation by more than one person, the chosen representative will be responsible for contacting all co-presenters.
- • In the event that your presentation is accepted, the abstract will be used as a summary of your presentation.
- • All presenters are required to pay the conference registration fee regardless of whether they are members or non-members.
- • No travel expenses or honoraria will be paid for the presentations.
JANPORA Awards and Annual Conference Best Presentation Award
- • The JANPORA will award the “Annual Conference Award for Outstanding Presentation” to the best presentation at the annual conference.
- • The award will be given to a regular or student member of the JANPORA who has been approved by the conference organizing committee to present a presentation.Those who have won the award twice in the past are not eligible.
- • The winners will be selected based on a comprehensive review of the abstracts and papers submitted and the content of the presentations on the day of the conference.
- • The winners will be announced on the conference website and mailing list after the annual conference. The winners will also be announced on the JANPORA website and mailing list after the Annual Conference. Winners will receive a certificate.
- • The winner will be automatically considered for the award unless he/she declines to be considered for the award. If you wish to decline the award, check the box "I decline to be reviewed for the award" during the application process.
- • Papers submitted after the deadline will not be reviewed for the award.
- • Reference: Bylaws of the JANPORA Award
Download Application Form
[Category F English Session]
Abstract Submission Form - English Session
Submission of Presentation Paper
- • For “Category F English Session,” the applicant is required to submit an A4-size page (any number of words is acceptable) that includes the background, awareness of the problem, research objectives, analysis methods and results, and references. The paper should not be a mere copy of handouts such as PowerPoint slides.
- • These will be made available to the moderators, commentators, and participants in advance.
- • Detailed information on how to submit papers will be provided later to the delegates whose presentations have been approved.
- • The deadline for submission of papers is Sunnday, 11 May, 2025, 23:59.
Deadline for Abstract and Paper
Category | Deadline | ||
Monday, 20 January, 2025, 23:59 | Sunday, 11 May, 2025, 23:59. | ||
English Session | F English Session | Abstract | Presentation Paper |
Contact Information
- Steering Committee: E-Mail